
Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Test YouTube Welcoming Video

Youtube recommends (almost nags really) that you make an introductory clip to welcome new visitors to your "channel." I've never really played with montages before, but almost as a test of concept I threw together some classic clips and edited them down to the very essence. I was thinking of iconic bootcentric moments that most bootlovers would recognize immediately and think "this guy knows his stuff, what else does he have?" I'm fond of the result, but it's clearly a first draft. I welcome feedback about other clips that feature both modern and classic bootage. Because of the deep grudge I hold against Pretty Woman, their won't be any Julie Roberts on this clip, but I already have a Jane Fonda clip in mind.
This version is a lot more fem-dommy than I'm looking for, and I'm going to lose the "3 the Hard Way" clip at the end and break up the Mord Sith/Breakout Kings/SVU block. Anybody have suggestions?

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