
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Worst/Best Family in America

I found this picture on Marydoll442000's clean and enjoyable photostream and had to make a comment here. If you've been living under a rock (somedays I'd like to join you) these are the Kardashian/Jenner sisters. I'd love to say I hate them, but as individuals they seem to occupy a spectrum of entitled awfulness and if I had unearned wealth and fame thrust upon me, I'm not sure how I'd respond(but it probably wouldn't be pretty). What I do know is that I hate the "culture" that gives them that wealth and fame. I grew up in a world with Charo (yes she COULD play guitar)and Zsa Zsa Gabor, so I'm used to people who are famous just for being famous. But the machine that hypes and supports this crowd and the whole spectrum of their "reality" show ilk seems to be spinning out of control and there are millions of people who enjoy it. Yes I'd love to hate these sisters, but then I see a picture like this and think, "What the hell, give me more bread & circuses."


  1. Glad you like the collage that I made, Bruce.

    Being English means less exposure to this family and I find it easier to love them than you chaps in the US. You can't all be wrong, though!


  2. Replies
    1. To Bruce that is, these people are genital warts.


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