
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A YouTube Collection Of Impressive Scope

It should come as no surprise that I have a collector's heart. I understand what drives people to devote their lives to seemingly pointless endeavors. While I might not share their passion for spoons or thimbles or ceramic turtles, I understand the core obsession.

Most good collectors have the ability to objectively gauge the quality of another person's collection. I have to say that Youtube user jeason35 has put together 4 exceptional playlists filled with bootie goodness. They are between 3 and 5 years old, so most clips pre-date the HD era.  But, for playlists of that age there are exceptionally few dead clips and scores of music performances and TV sightings that are new to me.  I'm still strolling through the 640 clips but there are some old favorites (Oh, "Free Your Mind"!) and tons of things I've never seen (I don't know what/who Louisy Joseph is, but I like the look of those dancers). And really who wouldn't love a clip of Siouxsie Sioux singing "These Boots Are Made For Walking"?

They're not perfect, but they're pretty close, Bruce says, "You should check them out."-

schoon clipkes deel I

schoon clipkes deel II

schoon clipkes deel III

schoon clipkes deel IV


  Thanks to Google Translate I know that "schoon clipkes deel IV" translates to "clean clips part 4"

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