
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Josephine Baker In Thigh Boots

When you wake up in the morning, there are things you expect to see. I'm not surprised to see my dogs greeting me. Politicians saying something transparently self-serving is no surprise.  I remain nonplussed if yet another picture of a booted Kardashian appears on my screen. I've loved boots for as long as I can remember and I never once did I think I'd see the legendary Josephine Baker perform in a pair of almost crotch-high boots. Let's face it, if she straightened out those cuffs, they'd be waist high boots.   I will need a period of deep reflection to re-order my universe.

I need to remind myself I only found this clip because blogger was messing up my youtube links and putting me in some sort of search hell. I've figured out a work-around, but the lesson is that sometimes great frustration can yield surprising (if vaguely mystifying) discovery.

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