
Monday, September 15, 2014

Thanks For The Bump Barry

Barry Brite, of the wonderful Appreciation of Booted News Women Blog was nice enough to link to this blog because of a recent post about the delightful and popular Rocsi. It gave me a nice little bump in readership for which I am thankful.
But more than that, he made mention of "our hobby." What a magnificent understatement. What a perfect and crystalline distillation of our glorious obsession. I've long searched for the perfect label to discuss that which brings us together. It's "our hobby." I will be using this in the future and when I do it will be a silent tribute to the man who's done more than anyone to advance the interests of "our hobby."

Thanks again Barry,



  1. Now Mr Smith, just 13 days ago I said this about your blog, "His blog may be the single most important, one-stop shop, for real-world bootage." And just 3 days ago I said that you were, "the web's preeminent authority on how real women are wearing boots." But, I have always been impressed by the interviews Barry has done with newswomen AND that public figures add his twitter handle when they tweet pictures of themselves wearing boots. I like your fashion blog MUCH more than the Newswomen blog. But I think Barry's blog is more important to our "hobby."

  2. Excellent blog, great job indeed! By the way, did you know " The Doris Day Show" is a treasure trove of fabulous early '70s boots, worn stunningly by Doris in almost every episode, including crotch-high (!) boots. The boots are out in full force in Seasons 3 and 4. Seasons 1 and 2 hardly had any boots though. There was a Season 5, but I haven't seen any of those episodes and can't comment.

  3. I do know about the seasons 3 and 4 of the Doris Day show (and that season 5 isn't worth viewing). I posted the best bits to Celeboots, probably about 2007? I still have those clips somewhere, but by my current standards they're pretty poor quality.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you again for the kind words Bruce. I think Newswomen in Boots is just a sub-genre of our hobby. I'm just one of MANY cogs in the machine.

    1. At the beginning of I got a ton of mail that were variations of this, "I've always felt so alone, thank you for showing that there are other people like me and for making it all seem so normal." I think you've taken it to another level and are showing other people (public figures in fact) that it's all so normal. My degree is in journalism and I remain in awe at the level of engagement you've achieved with your subject. What you're doing is substantially different than the rest of us hobbyists.


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