
Friday, September 5, 2014

The End of Shovel Day

Well, I'm never doing that again. This is what I wrote 6 hours ago(you'll get to it in about 17 posts)

"What's Shovel Day?" you ask. Shovel Day is my response to my own over-analytical, hyper-critical nature. I'm sitting on thousands of clips, but as I review them I always find some reason not to upload them. "Oh, that edit isn't tight enough," "I think there's a blu-ray version of this now," "Didn't somebody post another version of this to some long dead forum in 2008?" And the worst of all, "Is anybody else going to like this?"

Shovel Day is my "F@ck it" to that horrible little man in my head that keeps me from getting shit done. It won't be pretty, there won't be elaborate social commentary or clever titles. But there will be videos and thumbails and the name of the source. And there's going to be a lot of them.
Turns out that however cathartic Shovel Day might be, it's also exhausting. But I hope it broke a mental log jam. Next time I want to upload something, I'm not going to over-think it. I like it, somebody else will like it, it doesn't have to be perfect or the best ever or illustrate some larger concept. It's just boots man. And I'm a God Damn volume merchant.


  1. Man you just went nuts didn't you, i will be watching movies for weeks to catch up.


  2. A little bit nuts, yes. But only a little bit nuts is pretty good for me. And it was productive nuts. Much better than my usual which is do 6 hours of work and then delete it all because, "Nobody else really wants to see this." It's going to take another 6 hours to go back and correct all the typos.


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