
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Evil Queen-OUAT

When TV critics talk about the "Platinum Age of TV" they're usually referring to shows like  Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, etc.  When I think Platinum Age, I think Lost Girl, Once Upon A Time, Legend of the Seeker, Nikita, etc.  By collectors standards, Once Upon A Time is low-hanging fruit.  Nobody's going to call a hit show on a major American network a hidden treasure, but for me it is a treasure. My sweet tooth for extravagant period costumes (with boots of course) is satiated by this show.  And while her normal costumes run towards long gowns, when Lana Parrilla's Evil Queen gets leathered up, it's really something else. This edit is longer than it should be, but I was bewitched by her hat and leather cloak and her vibe of pure wickedness. From-S01E09


  1. I totally agree!! Lana is so amazing!! A wicked beauty and the costumes are awesome with great detail! Thanks for all your's a great pleasure to see updates every day!! Greetings from Holland :)

  2. Greetings From California. I'm getting into the swing of this, and I'm having a good time, I should be able to keep this up for a while. After all, it's my hobby. Thank you for the kind words

  3. I was dead serious with those words! Ur awesome! I also have a small question....I love the cavalier style ladies with boots and gloves. Do you have the complete movie of Masque de fer? I can't find it anywere....thx man!

    1. I no longer have the full version. I just checked where I got it originally and the links are dead. I do have a line on the blu-ray version. Ask me again in a week.

    2. Really wow that would be awesome! Thanks!


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