
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Three of my Favorite People (Internet Boot Division)

I'd like to give special kudos to three individuals whose blogs make my day a little brighter. There are lots of people who are frequent posters, those whose comments make me smile, people I've helped (or have helped me) along the way, but these are three guys who've been putting in a lot of extra effort and have created things I think are special. Their blogs are all very different,  but somehow they seem to express the personality of people I've never met. In no particular order-

The Appreciation of Booted News Women Blog: I think Barry Brite is awesome. For 4 years he's been highlighting booted news women in a respectful way. He is relentless in his "Don't be a creep" philosophy and simply presents sightings in a straightforward manner without a hint of salacious leering. His reward is unprecedented access to his subject. He's done interviews with newswomen for his blog, and many of them follow his twitter feed and add his hashtag to their own tweets to show off their boots.  Even though the majority of the sightings are not my favorite variety (as I've stated knee boots and skirts are pretty low on my list) I still visit his blog daily and it seldom fails to lift my spirits.

The JohnSmith14 Blog: The newest blog on this list (but it turns out I've known him for years).  JohnSmith pores over a dizzying number of "Outfit of the Day" blogs by amateur fashionistas and culls out the best boots and presents them in a single easy-to-view format. I've tried that game, and it's a lot harder than it looks. His blog may be the single most important, one-stop shop, for real-world bootage. I love the creativity that the women use in dressing, and I love that somebody else has done all the work in collecting them for me. As a side note-more than any other, JohnSmith's blog was the inspiration for the blog you're reading at the moment. His response to meddlesome moderation (starting his own damn blog) made me realize it might be the right fit for me. So thanks Sid, I owe you one.

NJRS Videos-Noel has been around since the beginning of time and NOTHING the universe can throw at him will make him stop posting videos. He's survived the random vaporization of 1,000's of files and  the disappearance of an uncountable number of file hosts. If you've been following him for over a decade, you've seen posts like this, "sorry, hard-drive crash, won't be able to post for a while." And a week later he's back!  It's seems like nothing can stop him (thank God).   I can't think of a single individual who's shared more for longer. Every time I throw a little hissy fit because I don't like how blogger displays links or because zippyshare's remote upload doesn't always work, I think of everything that Noel has done and been through. I will NEVER be able to catch up to him, but if I keep at this for another century or so I might deserve to be mentioned in the same breath.

So thank you gentlemen, you have all added enjoyment to my life in a myriad of ways. This is not a compete list and I don't mean to disregard the contributions of those who have founded forums and discussion groups. A group takes on the personality of its founder. A blog IS the personality of its writer(in an internet-y way).


  1. Yep, got to agree with you on this (except the knee boots and skirts comment!) I too have these blogs bookmarked. The amount of work that goes into these things is far greater than people think and I'm grateful to them for that.

    James Addiction

  2. You're the man, Bruce ... the original man! way back to that first bruceff site way back in the 90s.

    Thanks for the props.

  3. Can't THANK YOU Enough For The Kind Words Bruce. THANK YOU For All You Have Done For Our Hobby!

  4. I've been following you since "Temple of the Boot" on Geocities. I'd like to think I can imagine how much work you undertake on all our bootlover's behalf, but, no it's not even close! A very hearty "THANK YOU" to you and for YOU and ALL that you have done and continue to do for us, the boot loving community!


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