
Monday, September 29, 2014

Upon Further Consideration--

---I've decided I will no longer be routinely announcing updates to my flickr stream here. If you enjoy pictures of booted women, you should cultivate your own favorites and people you follow on that site. I remain convinced that flickr's system of public favorites and followings is a great way for us to share our hobby. I WILL continue to add to my stream on a regular basis, I just won't announce it here.
One last time-


  1. argh!! I thought I already published my comment.

    As I was saying, you could always create an account on Tumblr (since your posts are awesome and you may get more recognition on there).

    I've added you to my Flickr stream.but I'm sure I'll see more via Tumblr. I use Everypost (Android phone) to post to Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr at the same time. There are a ton more you can post about updates to if you wanted. Just saying.



  2. I've got a Tumblr account. I really don't like how it displays pictures. I strongly prefer rows and columns of thumbnails. Every time I give Tumblr another shot, I end up making Frankenstein noises. Flickr gives me the experience I prefer and if that means the blog grows a little slower, that's fine. I could do without the surprise dick pics from middle-aged transvestites, but...

  3. Thank you very much for your fantastic pictures !


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