
Friday, October 10, 2014

Freaky Friday Part 1

(Neither the Jodie Foster nor Lindsay Lohan movies)

I didn't necessary plan it this way but today's offering are........special. Two are from mainstream R-rated comedies starring well known, talented actors. The other two swam up from that swamp of psycho-sexual melodrama known as pro wrestling.

These might not be your cup of tea. All 4 may traffic in activities more common in adult fare, but 2 of them were produced to be aired on television, while the other 2 are from legitimate feature films. Viewing of these is NOT compulsory. This material will not be on the exam. If you are of a sensitive disposition or have exacting tastes, I suggest you turn away. In two of them, people say "f#@k"  a LOT. That being said, some of you people are going to like these a lot.


Missi Pyle is one of my favorite actresses. You may not know the name, but check out her credits. She's a busy lady and has probably been in something you've seen.  I think she is a tremendously talented comedic actress. She is the booted appeal in both of these clips. Both run MUCH longer than the bootage requires, but I like these clips. I think Missi's funny and they display her range. Most actors would have played both of these characters about the same (like her two Johnny-one-note co-stars John C. McGinley and Rob Schneider) but both of the sexually........adventurous......women she plays here are quite different in voice, carriage and attitude.  I'm certain I would enjoy these clips without boots, but there are boots-----

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In American Crude (2008) Missy plays a street walker with a secret. There's a brief bit of thesaurus comedy that I think approaches the cheese shop skit. Again, there's  stuff in here that some of you might not like. Please keep that in mind.

Sorry, no youtube


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In Meet Market (2008) Missi plays a sexually adventurous woman set-up for a blind date with a reluctant Alan Tudyk (oh, that guy). She's a little too much for him, I think she'd be too much for any man. 

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