
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Only Words In This Post

This blog and associated Youtube channel have recently passed several milestones. I'd like to take this opportunity to share a few thoughts and observations with you.

I'm having a good time.  I've got such a backlog of material, both ready to go and full movies waiting for trimming, that I can keep this up for quite a while.  I am a little concerned that the amount of effort I expend in posting is eating into my review and trim time. But, if I keep two simple thoughts in mind.......

1. I waste too much time freaking out. I have to remember the lessons of "Shovel Day". I can't spend too much time "getting cute," and struggling to come up with themes or meaningful observations or fragments of the historical record. The 3 part look at enduring legacy of Barbarella's costume was an example of when it works.  If something's a good idea, it will flow and be fun. If a simple notion takes 90 grueling minutes, skip it and come back to it if it still seems like a good idea in the morning .

2. This is my blog. I don't have customers, I don't have a partner, I don't have a moderator. I don't want to sound like a dick, but you don't have to like everything (or anything) I post. Remember, for 7 years I had a specific customer base that I had to keep happy. In the back of my mind I still hear, "those aren't high enough."  If I wanted to craft a 28 day megapost  on Doc Martens I could (barring a traumatic brain injury I can't imagine I ever would, but....).  I just can't spend too much time worrying about pleasing people.

I like the clips I upload and I hope you do too.


  1. It's great that you share this with us!
    Just let me tell you (and I think I speak for A LOT of people) we really appreciate all the work you put in it!! I check your blog 3 times a day and I am amazed about the quality of the content you show us! Not porn.....but classy stuff with attention to detail! I hope you don't feel pressure in any way and just enjoy what you are doing. Again many thanks for all the time and hard work you put in it!

    Greetings from Holland, joypadnl

    1. Thank you, the pressure I feel is all in my head. I just have to tell myself that what I want to upload is what I should upload. NOT what I THINK other people want to see.

  2. I remember your old site You did an outstanding job with that site and you do an outstanding job with this one!

  3. Bruce, post what you want, when you want, the way you want.
    Its for you remember. Not us.
    We are just the lucky ones who get to share it with you.

    I have it as a tab, On firefox, so at lest once a day i see the ramblings, of the bootman.
    But i not worried if there isn't something new every day, I'm glad, because i know your out in the real world.

    Keep it up at your leisure, And love the movies, Hubby is wondering were i find all these classics. I'm almost up to date, with then. Thank you You Tube.

    Bootbabe (Andrea C)

  4. I'm with you all the way ... by which I mean: I post what I like. If others like it, then great. If they don't, then whatever. I know there are types of boots I post that are less widely popular than others, but so what?

    I've always said that there are all kinds of tastes and I can't understand, for instance, why anyone likes ballet boots. But they do. So be it. I like what I like and, as you stated, have no "customers" to please.

    I stopped posting on boots-n-heels because they were so arbitrary in dictating tastes (and also, ridiculous in enforcing rules that they'd never actually stated, even in their "forum rules" section). My thought was, why limit the number of posts and pics? Who cares? If you don't like them, move on.

    So i say to you: post what you want, when you want. And make yourself happy.

  5. I understand where you are coming from there have been many times I had decided not to post a certain video because I thought no one would like it and only I thought it was pretty good. That thinking stuck with me and to a certain extant still does. No matter how many times I may have edited a clip I think back and look at it again a little while later and think how could anyone like this the edits arent tight the audio is off. The picture quality isnt there or worse the video size is just to large.

    I enjoy everything you post always have and always will. Whatever you post is good enough for me. Of course that Paris post is one of the best! but on that point I sir am Biased!

  6. I love your blog and I love the riding boot/combat boot videos.. my favorite. thank you bruce for your time to post these clips. I cant wait until more boots coming off videos are published


  8. I like your booted history blog very much. It's very entertaining. You can't say that for most of those other booted sites. I am still in good memory of tbc and so I'm glad about the happy return of Sir Bruce.

  9. I have to thank you for puting women on here not men who hide their face. But you know there men. I don't care what other people do orl ike. I just don't like the deception. I want to see women not trannys. Thank you. ----Brian


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