
Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Perfect Cavalier Boots?

 From La Grande Avventura di Scaramouche (1970/72)  She wears VERY nice thigh high boots (check them out at around 20 seconds in). She wears 2 pairs if you count the black pair she's wearing on horseback at the end. I don't carelessly throw around the word "perfect," but there's a case to be made for this pair in the category of Cavalier /Musketeer /Pirate boots.  These are tight to the leg, a magnificent color with a well built foot and just enough heel to give form without appearing impractical. They're not obviously fashion boots, but the actress is not sloshing about in a pair of too-big men's boots. I wish we saw more of them, esp in action scenes, but IMO these are REALLY great boots.

It's still early enough in the morning for me to be a little chatty, so here's some observations regarding processes and procedures. As I've mentioned before, much of my best material is sitting untrimmed on a bulging, but well backed-up, harddrive.  Recently, I've been making a point to trim/process/upload  one stored or new video per day as well as uploading several from my ready-to-go archive. I had completely forgotten about this video. Stumbling across those boots pretty much defines "pleasant surprise."  Obviously there are days when real-life precludes the extra effort, but making new clips keeps things fresher for me. Digging through 100's of files I made 3 years ago can be a little hum-drum. It seems fresh and exciting to upload new-to-me clips like the Keshia Chante series (which seems to be just starting) or forgotten treasures like this one.

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