
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

We All Need Mrs. Peel

(This was supposed to go directly above the Nationwide Girl post, but then Suzy wore boots which was the only interesting thing about that Eagles/Panthers game)

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If you've only casually sampled The Avengers catalog, you might not know what the big deal is. The vast majority of the color (colour?) Emma Peel episodes are all about cotton catsuits and ankle boots. With 3 exceptions, the Tara King eps are long skirts and knee boots(when it's not boots under pants) and traditionally the Cathy Gale era has been so murky, it's tough to make out exactly what she's wearing (even though her leather-wear was the best of the bunch).
But, I was raised on this show, both in its first run and subsequent repeats. I can't be in the least bit impartial about Mrs Peel and her zippered black leather catsuit. For my money, Death at Bargain Prices is the episode that shows off this magnificent creation to its best advantage (Surfeit of H20 is also an acceptable answer).  And yes, the Queen of Sin boots in Touch of Brimstone are her best boots (unless she IS wearing thighboots in the field in H20). Sorry, getting a little Avenger nerdy there for a minute.
Back on track. You may think you've seen these scenes from Death at Bargain Prices before, but you probably haven't seen them looking this good. For a 48 year old television episode the image quality of these is BREATHTAKING. My guess is these were mastered directly from film to a DVD format and then expertly upscaled to 720 by a talented amateur (not me, the complete episode was from a defunct youtube channel). At one point where she's trying to mesmerize the thug you can make out the stitching on the zippers of her suit. The richness of detail on the leather is just magnificent. While her silver boots aren't quite to my taste, everything else is perfect.

Sorry no youtube


ImageBam image uploadImageBam image uploadImageBam image uploadImageBam image upload (note-this is just a trimmed version of the first clip.)

After I made the first trimdown, I found the result interesting but a little choppy, as most of my edits are. And for the first time I saw the fight scene without the distracting Steed cut-aways.  I fell in love with Diana Rigg all over again. I was compelled to edit it further, leaving only the fight. It really is one well put together sequence, an expert amalgam of movement and music and a classically trained actress being very sexy indeed.  The Steed bits are missing so there are some moments where the music makes abrupt changes, but I just love it. Admittedly, I wish she didn't hesitate slightly before her final stomp, but that's nit-picking.

Again, no youtube.


  1. look at this , thigh boots from the sixties :autre ep 5 - France-indien - Les séries - fille vintage - Vidéos - Club Doctissimo

  2. I was wondering when you would get to the Goddess Emma, Mum and I used to watch that together, when i was a little girl, in the late 70's Repeats by then.
    War the catsuit to fancy dress 20 years later and meet my first husband.


  3. Amazing quality, just a great post so nice to see Emma in a fighting scene without having Steed interrupting the action, I have been infatuated with Mrs. Peel for a long time, it was a great show, they knew enough to let the camera linger on the right parts, thanks for your wonderfull posts.



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