
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Thigh Booted Nancy O'Dell
From the Pepsi Super Bowl Fan Jam (2010) Nancy looks sweet in her thigh high boots and jeans. This file, simply called "nancy.avi," had been in my "ready" folder from the beginning, but for some reason I thought it was a clip of Nancy Sinatra. I got nothing against Frank's daughter, but seeing it was this rare clip from almost 5 years ago made me happy.


As I often do, I searched youtube to see if this clip was already there. Didn't find it, but did find some other nice clips of a booted Nancy.

There is one other clip with a caption that reads "Nancy O'Dell wearing boots." if you're willing to watch a 1;38 clip that somebody made by filming the tv with their cell-phone for 2 seconds of Nancy PROBABLY wearing riding boots, have at it.

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