
Monday, December 29, 2014

Boots - Boots - Boots - Latest Russian Boot Styles For Eve (1930)

Wow!-A short from a newsreel by British Pathe highlighting the Russian Boot craze of the 20's. Far and away this is the finest filmed record of the popular, but rarely photographed, trend.


  1. Speaking of Russia boots, Tina Fey in the new Muppet movie plays a Russian prison warden and wears some great boots.

  2. This is one that doesn't do anything for me in terms of attractive boots, but it's really so odd and rare that it's quite interesting all the same ... variety being the spice of life and all that. Nice find.

  3. I find it interesting that boot trends almost started 30 years earlier. It's fascinating to think about fashion boots being the go to footwear in the 30's. What would have been the ripple in future fashion sense? I imagine that the depression and society mores held that back until the 60's revolutions.


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