
Saturday, December 6, 2014

I'm not going to let this bother me

I'm doing deep breathing exercises and chanting my mantra (boooooooooooot). The six posts directly below this one were supposed to run in numerical order, 60's Blast 1 thru 6. I chose what movie went in what order quite deliberately. But for some reason when I posted them, 6 went before 5. I could live with that. Then I noticed I forgot to set the zippyshare link for 6. When I updated the post about "HO" it jumped to the top of the feed and I screamed like a colicky baby.

I doesn't matter I remind myself. It's just boots, nobody else will even care or notice. Don't freak out, don't delete everything and start all over again. Relax, feed the dogs, grab a bite, edit that Italian TV clip somebody sent you.

Don't freak out, nobody else cares, move on, you'd be wasting any effort spent trying to correct the posting order. Just walk away, things didn't happen exactly the way you wanted them, live with it and use this as a learning experience.

You see what it's like in my head? Scary neighborhood between my ears.

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