
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Where would you get such an idea?

I resent the implication that I'm so shallow and obsessed with meaningless numbers that I'd rush out a bunch of clips just so that my posting numbers for the month would be over 100 and my total for the year would be over 500.

I resent it, but not deny it. I still have a handful ready to go, but suddenly it doesn't seem so important.  I might not post again until next year. Or I might get bored.

Be Safe


  1. It's funny. I'm at "Post #460" on my blog, but thanks to my stupid numbering system on days I posted more than once (Post 125 and 125.1 or whatever), I've shorted myself. I actually have 475. If I could figure a way to count all the actual photos I've posted, I would, but I don't think it's feasibly possible.

    1. I use an auto-downloader to download each of your updates, and I've kept them (mostly) in their original folders, I can make an pretty solid guestimate of right around 27,883 pics on your blog alone. This does not count all the pics you uploaded at boots-n-heels.


    Bruce, I'm sure you have this already, but if not---cheers.

  3. and this one starting at 1:24


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