
Monday, January 12, 2015

Amy Adams Removes Her Boots (in slo-mo)

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From the Vogue on-line series "73 questions for...." Amy never puts boots the boots back on, but she pulls them off and I repeated the movement and even applied slo-mo.

Consider this a test case. I liked this clip, but the boot portion was tiny and the source format was clean enough to risk a re-encode. I usually NEVER re-encode, so while I was at it I could do some repeats and add slo-mo.


  1. Thanks for this, really like the slow motion, great job.


  2. Thanks for the feedback. Left to my own devices I can get a little "cute" with the repeat and slo-mo, but I thought this clip warranted it. Oddly the youtube community seems to REALLY hate them.


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