
Friday, January 16, 2015

Inside Amy Schumer - Mom Computer Therapy

Amy Schumer (a frequent boot wearer) wears black leather OTK's over her jeans while TRYING to help her mother with her computer. At around 3:30 mom "helps" Amy cuff her boots.

Many of you will find this scenario (except for the boot part) familiar. Some will feel deep sympathy for Amy, others may identify with mom.


  1. A thousand curses on the set designer who put that coffee table in there! It's so frustrating when they go to the trouble of putting a beautiful woman in a glorious pair of boots, and then film it in such a way that you barely get to see them. They didn't even need to change the camera angle, they just needed to take that coffee table away.

    Thanks for pointing me to this show - does she dress this way often?


    1. Amy is often booted on her show. In 2 seasons of 10 shows each there have been 10 episodes that feature boots I've trimmed and kept. However, most are under 30 seconds of bootage. If you like skit comedy and Amy appeals to you, it might be worth checking out, but just for boots it's tougher to recommend. 10 hours of programming for 4 minutes of boots you could probably see any winter's day at a decent shopping mall is a bad ratio.

  2. Thanks, Bruce. I watched a couple of episodes on Amazon Instant Video last night (they are short and Amy is smart and funny). I'd say it falls into the category worth watching once in a while if you have access anyway, but not worth laying out money for separately.

    (About eight years ago I did spend ~$20.00 for the entire sixth season of the '80's show MacGyver solely in order to have a high-quality copy of "Harry's Will", the episode that features Wendy O'Williams as a biker babe decked out in tight leather chaps tucked *into* an ultra-tough pair of knee-high engineer boots. Of course it helps that the show itself is pretty good - I did watch all of the other episodes)



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