
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On) (official ...

How the hell did I miss this?  It's too early (6:20) on a Sunday
morning for my usual feeble attempts at wit and superficial insight, but
it turns out that back in 2007 when Robert Plant and Alison Krauss were
recording and performing together, Alison seemed to spend most of her
time in great thigh high boots! I remember their collaboration quite
clearly, but it never dawned on me that Alison, a serious artist I have profound admiration for, 
might have spent so much time in great boots. Sadly this was before the
widespread adoption of HD, and most of the youtube videos I've seen look
like crap. Here's two that don't.

I just want to finish waking up, but I was less likely to forget this later if I posted few things now.


  1. Alison Krauss in leather boots, they are awesome looking boots, never expected to see her in boots, I love her singing, seems like a very nice lady.
    Thanks for this,

  2. I know, right? I'd seen her in newscaster/office manager outfits (demure skirt and knee boots) but never boots like this, and there are loads of performances on youtube of her in these black thigh boots. And I LOVE the beige pair she's wearing in the "official" video below this post. The first time I saw it, I just assumed she was wearing shoes and hose(a fair and natural assumption).


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