
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Contacting Me

Anyone who had a public e-mail address in 2002 knows what it's like to receive literally 100's of spam e-mails a day. It's an experience that has left me wary of posting my current e-mail address on my blog. However, if you're an old friend who'd like to touch base or you have a red-hot tip about a boot scene on TV there are several ways to contact me.

I know that blogger makes it difficult to reply anonymously to posts and that for some of you it's not worth the trouble.

If you have a flickr account (and I think you should) you can write me a private message from my photostream page. Just click/hover over the three dots on the right hand side under "member since" and select "send flickrmail.

If you have a youtube account (and I think you should) you can send me a private message from my channel's "About" page. Just click the button that says "send message."

I have a twitter account, but I HATE twitter and will probably never use it. I'm sure there's some way to send me a private message thru twitter and I'll probably see it eventually.

A few additional thoughts. I'm not very good at correspondence. I certainly welcome words of encouragement or thanks but we're probably not going to become pen-pals. I wish I could say differently, but if you ask me a complex question, I'll want to respond, but probably won't. My inbox has too many messages I hope to reply to......someday.

Regarding tips about boot scenes, I LOVE THEM....when they're actually rare or new. Barry Brite made my day when he sent me a tip about silver thigh boots on an SNL skit.  I am in the debt of the reader who sent me the tip about State of Affairs Some of the tips I get are less rare. Also, try to be as complete as possible. "That girl who was in that thing was in this other thing and she wore boots," is not terribly helpful.  Given the right info I can find a lot of obscure stuff. Some of it I already have and may just need a shove(the complete run of Partners in Crime anyone?-including THAT Vanessa Williams episode).


  1. FWIW (vaguely in regard to "tips" ... not that I really think you can do much with this), I'd pay good money if someone could find decent-quality recordings of 1991 or 1992 episodes of Soul Train. There are some (usually lousy quality) clips on youtube, but not very many. I used to have a bunch of them on VHS, but got rid of them long ago.

    Here are some youtube links that are CLOSE to the mark:

    1. FWIW (I wish I could edit a comment), in that first link, at the 1:33 or so mark and then a few seconds later, is the only glimpse I can find of my favorite dancer in her red OTKs. Her name is/was Barbara. She wore those boots frequently, as well as a similar black pair, but clips with either are really hard to find.

    2. I still have all my old VHS compilations (and a way to digitize them). I recognize a lot of the dancers and have a lot of these Soul Train clips in my collection. I just need to buckle down and digitize them.

  2. It would be cool if you could have separate playlists. One for vintage: older than 20years and one for present: last 20years. I really dislike the vintage stuff but that is just personal preference.

    1. That's a good idea. I've been toying with this for a while now. The only drawback is that it would be a little harder to include the clips that aren't on youtube, but I can figure out a work-around, probably with tags or something.

      BTW-the phrase you were looking for was "don't enjoy as much" rather than "really dislike." Or "I really prefer the newer stuff."


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