
Monday, March 9, 2015

Random Musings About Blogging

I want my blog to be about boots, not the process of blogging or the dangerous neighborhood between my ears. But sometimes I have thoughts about both that I wish to share. As I'm sure you all know, the amazing and hardworking JohnSmith14 is making adjustments to his blogging. As he writes in his 500th Post,  reality forced him to rethink the punishing pace of his daily posting.

I am unqualified to speak for my friend, but I completely understand the perceived and self-imposed burden he mentions. A while back I mentioned how much I love running this blog when everything is "clicking."  For me that spinning in greased grooves feeling isn't just about the frequency of my posting.  Admittedly I love it when the words flow and just the right mix of clips seems to appear on my hard-drive.

Sometimes I can feel a real sense of relief when I just let shit go.  As you're probably tired of hearing, I've been doing this kind of thing for a while now.  In the past it was very hard for me to overcome setbacks. You can't imagine how many projects I've scrapped because a single detail didn't come together at the end. Or because I suddenly faced writer's block and felt incapable of making whatever inane observation compelled me to start the project initially.  Minor issues that I created out of thin air would congeal into a horrid mass of self-pity and then morph into irrational, free floating resentment.  And then the sharing would stop.

In the past few months I've become much less likely to obsesses over bullshit. I don't need to "top" myself every time I upload a particularly good clip. I don't need to cater to an audience. I don't need to create a "perfect" mix. I don't need to spoil a lovely Sunday with my wife just because I "skipped" Friday and have to post something NOW.  I don't need to worry if you're going to like me or think I'm clever.

I don't need to do this. I want to do it.  The latter will stay true as long as I focus on the former.


  1. Good stuff, Bruce. Keep it up (and by "it," I mean doing what you want to do). And thanks for the nice words too.

  2. It takes a lot of commitment doing a blog format as there's just you as an individual to contribute. Unlike a forum where you can step off the gas knowing others will post, this is very much an individual effort. Which is appreciated.

    James Addiction


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