
Friday, March 27, 2015

Y'all got to tell me....

.....when a link's screwed up. I was sure the stats on my domain ( were all screwed up because it didn't show any downloads for the great clip from Guns, Girls and Gambling (just two posts down). Turns out I screwed up the link and it was unreachable. It was a two second fix (I just had to change the address from htp to http). BUT, if nobody points these things out, I think nobody gives a shit. If I screw up a link, let me know.  That's a great clip and it took me no time at all to fix it. It really feels like I just shouting down a well if I go to the trouble of uploading a clip and then nobody tells me the link is borked.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I noticed the bad link but got distracted and forgot to write.


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