
Monday, April 27, 2015

Alison Haislip Hits the Comic-Con 09 Floor

Last one for now (probably). Read down the page for the continuing tab-clearing adventures of my mega-crush on Alison Haislip. I feel like I've been self-indulgent taking up this much of your time. But......Anyway, only a few glimpses of her OTK's in this one. Now I can close a bunch of tabs and feel like I didn't completely waste that Thursday when I spent HOURS looking for Haislip bootage.


  1. Last night (4-26) Once Upon a Time had great Queen boot content. Can you zip?

  2. I remember seeing this Bruce when i stayed home on a Saturday to watch the G4 coverage of this. What the heck is wrong with me? Staying home to watch tv on a saturday when I can be out? Anyway that has nothing to do with why I am posting. You know who I had a crush on from this show. That Anna David. I have one stupid clip of her from that show. Regardless this was great and I am sure I am not speaking for myself but your self-indulgent moments are a treasure for us all. Keep it up


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