
Thursday, April 2, 2015

IheartBoots Part 3

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As you should know by now, Madonna and Taylor Swift performed a booted duet at the IheartMusic Awards. I've linked to any number of youtube clips and I went a little bonkers for a day trying to track down the BPV (best possible version). I am REALLY over this by now. They're some great sightings but there's only so much time I can spend on a single event before I start to go a little potty. The youtube versions are a few days down the feed. I like to provide a downloadable clip and these three posts are decent. I make no promise they're the best available, but they're certainly watchable.


  1. Thank you very much. At my age I should know better, but Taylor Swift in those CLs (my personal favourite boot of 14/15) looked, well, magnificent. The old biddy next to her looked a bit desperate in cheap, baggy thigh highs. Next time Madge, invest in some designer leather.

    James Addiction

  2. Any chance of a re-upload of this clip? I already possess an HD version but I'm sure a few folks missed the sheer magnificence of The Swifty in my favourite boots of 2014! Thank you.

    James Addiction

  3. Thank you

    James Addiction


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