
Friday, May 22, 2015

Post 1009

So, I meant to write something special to commemorate my one thousandth post on this blog. But I got a little busy and blew right past it. So this is the 1009th time I've hit the "publish" button since I started back in August. I'm having fun and am still working out ways to make this fit into my real life.

I was raised to be modest and to let my accomplishments speak for themselves.  I'm going to break from that tradition this once.  I'm proud of my blog. It's far from perfect, but it's not bad either. I may have some days that are sub-par, but when viewed as a whole I think I've produced an enjoyable work. Someday it will end. Everything does. I hope that day is a long time from now.

I'm going to continue to shoot for at least 100 posts a month. I'm a little behind pace right now, but I hope to catch up. But I'm not going to gnash my teeth and rend my garments if I don't.

BTW-you may have heard that a certain pilot episode of  a certain show leaked 6 months early. Let's say that a little bird told me that the 1080p version is very high quality and looks great(and nicely bootie). Let's also say that the little bird is cautious and thinks CBS will be going bat-shit crazy sending DMCA notices. Things will quiet down after a week or so.......


  1. Keep up the good work, Bruce! It's very much appreciated!

    (and I got a chuckle from "rend my garments" ... not a phrase commonly heard these days)

  2. Love your blog! I appreciate all your hard work!

  3. Congratulations Bruce!!! Keep Up The GREAT Work!!

  4. Bruce - I believe you were part of or some such, and I want you to know that for quite some time I've appreciated the work you do.. though I'm pretty sure it is not so much work as a labor of love.

    Please accept my sincere thanks for doing what you do.


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