
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Jane Fonda In OTK's (HD) On Craig

I'm pretty certain this was captured by my friend Dr Morgus back in the day.  I had searched my drives for these clips  before I posted this standard def complete version.  It was hard to find because of an uncharacteristic spelling error.

It was pre-split into two zippyshare sized files.

Part One-
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A HD bootcentric edit of Jane's 12/21/10 appearance on Craig Ferguson. We enjoy her over the knee boots. We thank Dr Morgus (probably)

Part Two-
ImageBam image uploadImageBam image uploadImageBam image uploadImageBam image upload
Part 2- A HD bootcentric edit of Jane's 12/21/10 appearance on Craig Ferguson. We enjoy her over the knee boots. We thank Dr Morgus (probably) The full show (in SD) can be found here-

1 comment:

  1. yeah this is mine and looking back on it I a not happy with it at all. I didnt get the edits right. I didnt get the size right. Ugh.


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