
Friday, June 5, 2015

Muddy Boots/Things Never Getting Done Around Here

I can get a little obsessive about things.

A day or two ago, as I was doing the background work about Dona Barbara, youtube suggested I might like a clip called "angelika's karma" from a Filipino soap opera.   Youtube was right. I don't want to give too much away. If the set-up above looks appealing, you'll like the clip below(it starts getting interesting around 1:17)-

So, then the back of my head exploded.
It didn't take me too long to learn that this was from MariMar (2007). It took a little longer to discover this was the Filipino remake of a Mexican Telenovela of the same name from 1994. Time passes and frantic searching follows. Below is the same scene from the Mexican version (sadly the woman never gets off her horse and it lacks all the lovely bootcentric action-and yes it's THAT Thalia)-

Things bogged down when I discovered that  Marimar was remade in 2013 as Corazón Indomable. It appears that all 161 episode are on youtube, but searching the web for every imaginable combination of Maricruz(they renamed our heroine), Lucia, necklace, mud and boots returned hints, but no edited clips or episode numbers. Finally, I found a re-cap site  and was able to discover it was episode 19 (or 18 or 20, episode numbers can be fluid).  In a crushing disappointment, in the 2013 version, the woman is driving a jeep in a blue dress and simply makes Maricruz/Mirimar retrieve the necklace from a cactus patch.

A search that begins with bread crumbs and ends with glorious treasure is immensely satisfying.  Having the treasure handed to you, and then searching through incrementally less satisfying discoveries is the opposite. I feel like I wasted 4 or 5 hours. 

But, I did discover that Telenovela  re-cap site and it seems comprehensive and fully searchable. Considering that so many of those shows are on youtube, I'm bookmarking it for later. Now I've got about 30 open tabs I have to go sort through and close.

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