
Friday, July 31, 2015

Cicely Tyson on SNL

If I had 100 guesses I wouldn't have picked Cicely Tyson as one of the most booted guest-hosts in Saturday Night Live history.  From 1978

Sorry, no youtube

Kate Bush, Back When She Still Wore Boots
Do you get the feeling that at some point Kate Bush decided "boots are SOOOOO 70's" and stopped wearing them almost completely?  For a period she was one of the bright lights of the boot scene. That was quite a while ago. Here's her performance on Saturday Night Live in 1978.

Sorry no youtube

From Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll (s01e03). Even with 1080p it's hard to tell exactly what Liz is wearing (great foot on them though). Later, her suede knee boots are upstaged by Elaine Hendrix's OTK's and "leather" pants.

Sorry, no youtube.

Two Youtube Finds

Youtube thought I'd like these, right again!

Ignore the thigh high stockings. The black leather thigh boots she wears with one of the outfits are sensational.

I'm always surprised by how many different ways people find to misspell "thigh"

90's thigh boots & J. Bisset in boots and furs
From September (1996) a shot of a pair of rare mid-90's suede thigh boots and Jacqueline Bisset in dress boots under a long fur coat.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Modern Knee Scrapers

From the dreadful parkour movie Street Run (2013), a well worn (as in she wears them well)  pair of knee scraping flat boots.

A Brief De-Booting
From Schüler-Report (1971). He unlaces her white knee boots. Be warned of a peep toe, a ghastly style that is popular again.

It might seem odd to mention this after posting four straight German clips, but the horrible state of boots in German cinema remains a great mystery to me.  Logic would suggest that German movies would be comparable to French, Italian and English films in terms of boots. It's not even close.  There are of course some exceptions. Some of the late cycle Edgar Wallace krimis are decent, but while those were filmed in Germany most are set in London or America. Fassbinder could often be counted on to slip some boots in.
If forced to speculate on the reason it's this. Kitchen sink realism usually has a low chance of bootage. I've certainly found the best chance of bootage are often in what are called "genre films" The bulk of German low budget/cult/exploitation movies are sex comedies.  There are 100's of them but most are set in the summer (or on a southern holiday) which helps to explain their bootlessness. As a rule Germany doesn't produce many of the stylized hyper-action movies that give so much booty flavor to the cinema of Turkey or Mexico(or the run of Italian swashbuckers of the 50's and 60's).
I could just be imagining this and I know I'll keep downloading hoping to be proven wrong.

The Wrong One Is Wearing Decent Boots
From Ein Kaktus ist kein Lutschbonbon (1981). Two girls, one wearing a decent pair of black knee boots, the other a pair of horrible little white ankle boots. We never see black boot again and white boots is the star of the movie and wears them throughout.

Silver Boots (?) in a whip dance
From Der nächste Herr, dieselbe Dame (1968). I think they're probably boots, but there's some suspicious bunching down by the foot that suggests some sort of spat or shoe cover.

Black 60's Thigh Boots
From Uccidete il vitello grasso e arrostitelo (1970) A red mini-dress and black thigh high boots. Sorry about that pillarboxing, that's on youtube.  Some clips might be worth re-encoding to crop out the letterboxing (which would fix the pillarboxing that youtube forces on it). This is not one of those clips. The zippyshare version looks much better.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Butt-Kicking Tough Girl in OTK's
From the glorious Pandilleras (1994). She's a bad, bad girl in her denim, leather and over the knee boots.  She mugs Santa Claus, murders gun dealers and gang-stomps an abusive dad. My kinda gal!

A clip like this makes EVERYTHING worth it. I actually downloaded the whole movie back in December. There weren't any boots in the sample still-caps. I must have clicked through it briefly right after I got it, but somehow missed the boots (I don't know how that was possible). It sat lurking on my HD for almost 8 months until I decided to give the once over.  Oh, what a happy day!
Almost 13 minutes of black leather, mid-heeled over-the-knee-boot girl-gang action. It's almost unprecedented.  Her outfit and attitude really reminds me of the great Julie Strain in those Andy Sidaris action-fests. I love this clip more than chocolate!

Suede Thigh Boots?

After serious consideration, I must conclude that she is wearing a pair of very tall suede (or some other matte finish) thigh boots.  The 1/2 zipper up the back confused me and led me to believe they might be knee boots over dark thigh high stockings.  However, scientific analysis (ok watching parts of it one frame at a time) has shown that these are probably very nice boots indeed.

BTW-these come from a pretty nice channel. I don't usually agree with his take on what makes an outfit sexy, but still a nice repository of some rare performance clips.

A Little Secret

I'll let you in on a little secret-for a day or two I REALLY hated that last group of updates. I mean a seething, irrational, why-am-I-doing-this, what's-the-point, God-everything-sucks hatred for a completely harmless group of 8 very average (at best) clips.

I'd spent quite a bit of time Thurs-Sat trimming down clips and that motley group was the result. There are a couple of quality clips that need minor finishing touches, but those were the "easy" ones.  After an orgy of editing, I often just upload the result as a group. The clips are still fresh in my mind and I don't have to go through the self-imposed agony of "picking a good mix."  So then on Sunday, I uploaded them, went on a bike ride and  pulled a muscle in my neck/shoulder (I know, an upper body injury from riding a bicycle, welcome to your 50's).   The injury was on my "mouse" side and it was pretty painful to do the clicky-draggy work needed to finish an update.

A sane person would just put it aside and come back to it after the pain had subsided.  What I did was stare at my computer screen and wallow in loathing and self-doubt. I know from bitter experience that in my 20's I would have blown everything up and started over. And I don't mean just that set of updates. I was crazy and self-destructive and my wake is littered with projects I've nuked over minor, trivial and mostly imaginary disappointments or set-backs. My "crime" was uploading a group of clips that I felt was sub-standard. Blowing up a year's worth of work seemed like a fitting punishment.

So now that I'm a grown-up I've learned to avoid rash actions. This minor self-awareness almost makes up for my aging body's betrayal. And now that I've written this down, it seems silly and self-indulgent. Public catharsis is an odd beast. I feel better now that I've written about it, but I would feel cheated if I trashed this. If I had an editor, this flagon of whine would never see the light of day. But blogging  makes it too easy to just hit that orange "Publish" button. 

Last minute addendum-just to clarify why some crappy movies with minor bootage get trimmed down while great movies with massive bootage hover in the wings. Most of the trimming I do is motivated by my desire to  free up disk space.  I cleared over 60GB (probably about 40 movies) over the weekend. A movie with no bootage gets processed in under 5 minutes. If it has one good scene it doesn't take much longer. If it's chock full of bootie goodness it can take 10 times longer to do the job properly. It's a frustrating nod to expediency that I trim down Convoy and leave my HD copies of Van Helsing or Empire of the Ants untrimmed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

6 seconds Of Lady Oscar
From Lady Oscar (1979), arguably one of the finest cavalier boot movies ever made. It's going to be a pain in the ass to trim down and I just made this test clip to make sure I could get the English language track and keep the proper AR. Looks pretty good. Now to set aside a whole day to trim down the complete movie.

Of course as I was prepping this I found that VLC and WMP both defaulted to the Italian audio AND while it plays correctly in three players, the still caps from MPC had a screwed up AR. Oh, well the picture looks ok.

BTW-several crappy looking versions of the entire movie are on youtube. Sadly, the few I've sampled all had the Italian dialog track.