
Friday, July 31, 2015

Cicely Tyson on SNL

If I had 100 guesses I wouldn't have picked Cicely Tyson as one of the most booted guest-hosts in Saturday Night Live history.  From 1978

Sorry, no youtube


  1. Having a hard time seeing this video but it brought back memories of booted hosts and cast members on Saturday Night Live. Here's some of my favorites.

    -Dyan Cannon -season 1 I think, a great boot wearer doesn't disappoint, mostly a nice pair of black knee boots with a dress and with jeans.

    Jane Curtin, pretty much every week, particularly when she hosted a talk show and there were great views.

    Olivia Newton John, early 80's. Mostly riding boots I think, but Olivia and boots are just a great pleasure.

    Glenn Close in leather pants tucked into stiletto boots in 1990 or so, a parody of Fatal Attraction.

    Victoria Jackson wearing great thigh boots at the end of Alec Baldwin's early shows. Standing on the stage with the rest of the cast just looking stunning.

    Always wanted to see Tina Fey in boots on the show, but never did. Had to wait until 30 Rock and a brief scene in one of her movies. The other one was Kristen Wiig, who I had never seen in boots and then in one episode in season 37 or 38 with Charles Barkley as the host, she wore great knee high boots for a scene and then thigh boots at the end of the show during the credits, never to be seen again.

    More will come to mind, but these were a few sticking out from memory.

  2. those are some great memories jklm. The only one I have somewhere on my HD is the Victoria Justice one, Would love to see Glen Close and Dyan Canon however.

  3. Not a big country music fan, but looking forward to the release of whatever Carrie Underwood video is being made here!:


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