
Thursday, July 16, 2015

What is it with boots & pantomime?

I've almost wrapped my head around the boots in Christmas Pantos thing that you English types have working. I don't fully understand the whole Dick Whittington, Puss in Boots, Principal Boy concept, but there usually seems to be some internal logic to it. And who am I to question a glorious tradition of booted women on stage in Christmas plays?  All we get is slippered snowflakes  in The Nutcracker.  But other than a nation-wide bit of boot pervery I can't think of an explanation for the clip below. We'll ignore everything that's wrong with this clip from a ethnic/geographic viewpoint.  Check it out around the 1:25 mark.  Why is "Aladdin" dressed as a music hall version of a Chinese stereotype (sorry, couldn't ignore it) and wearing what are clearly platform over the knee boots?  At about 2:18 we get a brief view of her in another outfit with shorts and the same boots.

Oh, wait it was the mid-70's it all makes sense now. The boots continue sporadically throughout the clip.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, part of the joy of being English is the 'Principal Boy' tradition. It is virtually mandatory for decent boots to be worn.. It's something to stimulate the Dads' interest while at a kids' panto...

    James Addiction


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