
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Whitney & Jessica

In 1996 Whitney Houston appeared on the cover of TV guide in an unprecedented "leather" suit. At the time NOBODY was dressing this way. Within two years it was commonplace. I remember one episode of Regis and Kathy Lee where the guest hostess, the two guests and the singing group were all wearing pleather pants. They were everywhere.

In 2006 Whitney posed for a widely circulated photo shoot wearing boots over her jeans. While not as rare (at the time) as her all-leather look a decade earlier it was still an uncommon choice. Within 2 years the style was EVERYWHERE.


A decade ago, Jessica Alba was on the cutting edge of boot style and was one of our brightest lights. Like Whitney she seemed slightly ahead of the curve. She was well booted at the dawn of the golden era and may have been a trend-setter. And then she "pulled a Hurley" and hasn't been seen in interesting footwear for years.


A few weeks ago Jessica attended a fashion show wearing what are certainly the "next big boots." If Kardashian's or British sex-pot-celebs wear something, I don't give it much significance. But Jessica.....  
The suede, tight-to-the-leg mid-heel (at least) thigh boot has been catching on for a number of months now and are poised to stomp all over the terra this fall/winter.  They demand more of the wearer than the rider/OTK over jeans look. I don't think you'll see this on a week-day afternoon in the supermarket. But I'm confident that interesting boots are on the way back.


  1. "But I'm confident that interesting boots are on the way back. " Brother I hope you are right. Now all we need is Paris wearing a pair of those and you know everything is right with the world. P.s. that reminds me have you ever thought of doing a tribute to Paris?

    1. Doc, I love you like a brother and you're probably my favorite person on the whole internet. I've said it before, we're like one brain sharing two DVR's,(on opposite sides of the continent) but there is NO WAY I'm doing a tribute to Paris Hilton.

  2. Jessica Alba did some spectacular boot wearing up to 2007 (when those pics of her in those exquisite Dolce & Gabbana tan knee highs were taken). For some reason her stylists judged tall 'dress' boots to be wrong and the boring Hurleyesque sandals came out, and boots were suddenly dumpy, ugly flat things to be worn in the snow or digging the garden. Very sad. A huge fall from grace.

    James Addiction


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