
Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Youtube Channel You Will Like!

As Mr Thumps says:

Just a place to act as a repository for (mostly) my older clips and such just in case I lose my external media and the likes. 
 As Bruce says:

Some great clips I haven't seen in ages.  And quite a few great ones I missed the first time around.

This is a nice place to start, but be sure to check out (and subscribe to) his whole channel-



  1. Bruce thats awesome and indeed MrT has some pretty excellent clips on there already and the channel is only a week or so old!

  2. Might be a good idea for people to take a look at the channel again. Seems the guy went on a bit of an uploading run just prior to the new year and upped a bunch of things I didn't even know were still out there like the Summer Glau clips from that dead show "The Cape.


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