
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday/What are the odds?

I posted my first video to this blog on August 19, 2014, exactly one year ago today. It's been a good year, I'm having a lot of fun and I hope to continue doing this for a long time.

It's too hot here and I'm in an odd and easily distracted mood, but I wanted to share this screen grab from 5 minutes ago of my stats page on blogger-

I hit 1/2 million page views on the exact 1 year anniversary of the day I started posting videos.  That seems like an unlikely coincidence, but there it is. I reserve the right to make additional pompous and self-congratulatory comments in the days ahead. Someday when it's not so hot and when my beard isn't so scratchy and when I'm not continuously being  distracted by shiny obj........


  1. Congrats! You have me beat (well, I've had more hits, but not by much and they've come over more than two years).

    You also keep much busier than I do!

    Thanks for all you've provided us fans!

  2. You Should Be Self Congratulatory, You DESERVE IT! Thanks So Much For Having This GREAT Blog For All Of Us To Enjoy!! And Thank You For Sharing Pictures And Videos To Put On My Blog

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Congrats Bruce!! But I know that at least 200000 hits were from me.

  5. i love your blog!!! we need more riding boot and combat boot removal !! pleasee?

  6. I look forward to your blog every day. Thank you!!!

  7. This is a real 'go to' site (I almost sounded American there!) and everyone appreciates your efforts, Bruce. You have my 100% support.

    James Addiction

  8. Superb job, thank you for all the good clips sir !

  9. Congrats. I read you daily. Great work.

  10. I am sending an Ice Cream cake overnight hopefully it wont melt! Anyway Happy Birthday and as is always the case JA says it best when he says this is a go to site. Indeed there is no question I visit this site now at least 2 times day.

    Thanks Bruce!

  11. I didn't know where to post this comment, but check out NJRS's blog clip from Castle Just sublime black leather knee highs. Worn with confidence and a swagger. My favourite boot style.

    James Addiction

  12. Congratulations - I stand in awe of your phenomenal knowledge of booted cinema and TV. Long may this blog continue - AndyP


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