
Monday, August 24, 2015

Nubeluz=Xuxa Clone

I recalled that in the late 80's/early 90's, Xuxa was so popular that she spawned at least two copy-cat shows that aired on our local Spanish language stations. For the life of me I couldn't recall the names of the shows, and I didn't really care enough to dig up my VHS tapes to find out. Somehow, Youtube knew I needed to see them. It all came back to me the second I saw the word "Nubeluz." I still can't get over what a complete rip-off of Xuxa this show was. The other one I remember featured one big-haired blonde with a penchant for similar mini-skirt and OTK outfits.

Here's two more I dug up in about 5 minutes, it looks like there are a ton of them. Sadly most don't contain this level of OTK action. These are certainly worthy-
Not the actual show, but a well filmed interview with the girls in all their glory.
Their white OTK's

I refuse to get trapped in an endless search for more of these. Unless I find some really good ones.

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