
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Demi & Stuff

It's looking like the next 4 or 5 months should be nicely bootie. As I'm sure you know, there were several boot sightings as the Video Music Awards (psst, I think Miley Cyrus might be an exhibitionist).  I'm still sorting out the best possible version of video clips for the event, but in the meantime Demi Lovato appeared on The Jimmy Kimmel show wearing "this year's boot."

Another performance here-

And a bit of the interview here-
I'm still hoping to find the complete appearance, esp the all important walk-out.

The tight-to-the-leg suede thigh boot wave is continuing to build momentum.  I've got a back log of Dr Morgus clips to upload, several vintage clips all set to go and more than a few current shows with some surprising bootage to trim down. And then there's my "faves" project I want to start.

But right now, all I can think about is taking my 7 year old black Lab to the beach.  He happens to be the most brilliant and adorable dog EVER.  He's never been to the beach and we're taking the 40 mile trip today.  It should be a special day.

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