
Saturday, September 26, 2015

I Wave The White Flag

As you may recall, I have often told of my struggle against ever-filling hard-drives.  I thought I was making decent headway (or at least holding a firm line) until I realized I had well over 100Gb on my seedbox that I hadn't downloaded AND that I hadn't transferred files over from my video capture laptop in months.  It feels like a defeat every time I have to install new hard-drives. I think I should be able to keep up with everything. I think this even though it's NEVER happened. I'm waving the white flag. I am tired of trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon.
My new drives (and 4 bay enclosure) arrived Tuesday and most everything has proceeded without a hitch. However, the whole process can take some time to do properly. Installing new drives and formatting them only takes about 20 minutes. Formulating a storage plan, doing a complete back-up, migrating some data (keeping in mind hard-drives' high infant mortality rate and NEVER putting ANYTHING on a new drive that isn't backed-up somewhere else) and then downloading over 200 gigs takes a little while.
So, that's what I've been doing this week. The upshot is that I have some extra room and don't have to focus all my trimming attention on low-hanging fruit. I've got 5 free days in early October and I hope to trim down some gems that have been too challenging and time-consuming to cut.
Finally, I've been going back over some older posts laying the ground work for my "greatest hits" project.  When viewed as a whole, this blog's not bad.  I'm still having fun doing it and it almost seems meaningful, or at a bare minimum, entertaining for boot hobbyists. I don't know why I obsess over things like proper comma usage (that last sentence is questionable) when people with a television show think that the earth rotates around the sun in two days(see three clips down).

Ok, now I'm just rambling and getting a little mean. Back to the clips!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I only deal in photos (MUCH less drive space) and that I just toss them after I post them (mostly).

    Keep up the good work -- on your own terms!


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