
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Melissa Rivers In "Real" thigh boots

Melissa Rivers wore some great spiky suede thigh boots on the episode of "The Real" that debuted on Friday Sept 25. The show has an odd repeat schedule so it might show up on BET or another station next week. I have the whole show on my DVR and hope to cap it this weekend, but......

BTW-they all wore sneakers for the first segment. There are some a few other short bits with Melissa on the official youtube channel, the show itself offered some much better views that I hope to present soon.

Also, the hostesses of this show are too stupid to be on TV. They were quizzed on a recent episode and here are two of the questions and the answers they gave-

Q: "How many days does it take for the earth to revolve around the sun"
A:"2" !!!!!!!! If she'd said 1 I'd think that she may have mis-heard the question. Where on earth do you get 2 days?

Q: "Who was our second president"
A: "Abraham Lincoln"  If they'd said Jefferson instead of Adams I'd have given them a pass, but Lincoln?

I'm not surprised that such profound ignorance exists. I am appalled that such vapidity is exhibited by people who talk about things on television for a living.
Sorry, had to get that off my chest.


  1. Almost the same her in germany. I'll never comprehend, how a person wants to live with so few general education. What did they do at school? Even as a german I do know without consulting an encyclopedia that Thomas Jefferson followed George Washington who was ther first president of the USA. How long the earth needs to revolve the sun: Nothing simpler as this: ONE YEAR or some 365 days...
    It was and is my personal rule: Don't die stupid...

  2. Well I just learned by looking up to wikipedia, it wasn't Thomas Jefferson who followed G. Washington but Adams. My mistake or of my teacher...

  3. I think it fits with the type of show why is it important to them who the 2nd president is? Whats important for them is knowing the latest news regarding what Kim K is doing and what the number one song is etc. I expect no less from vapid tv such as the real aka the real dumb. Oh wow that came off angry didnt it? Hmm I am not in a bad mood I swear!


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