
Monday, September 7, 2015


Sexy robots aren't really my thing, but vinyl catsuits and knee boots are.

Wild stuff here. This kicked off a flood of web-searches. Vitrine Viva is just on the outer boundaries of my interest, but I know that some of you will LOVE her. You haven't lived until you've tried to research a minor Brazilian pop-culture figure from the '90's.  As best I can make out she is the creation of actress Simone Bruno. Or,   Vitrine Viva is the name of her dance troupe and this character might be "Cibernetica."

Obviously, the first step was to establish the gender of the person in the suit.  I am quite certain she is the blonde featured (in less freakish makeup) here and here(in both cases skip about 1/2 through the clip).  The floodgates open once that critical bit of information is discovered.

Vitrine Viva made a number of TV appearances, often wearing aforementioned catsuit and boots. Here are some to get you started

There's more out there if this is of special interest to you.

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