
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dr Morgus Presents, Part 6
From my good friend Dr Morgus we see Lauren Shehadi from the MLB Network


  1. Excellent work as ever from the good Doctor. Its a shame that the good old days of boots'n'banter has died over at CB. This blog is an excellent alternative and a must visit site!

    PS - Doc, get well soon.

    James Addiction

    1. I agree with what you've said (except those parts that would make me appear immodest). I do regret not being able to share as part of a community. But my ill-developed personality is poor mixture of stubbornness and sensitivity that has always made me a poor fit for most group activities. Long-timers know what a unique person the Good Dr. Morgus is and I am happy to count him as a friend and confidant.

  2. I have to say it again like a broken record but that was without question my favorite part of Celeboots. I have found it in no other bootcentric board since. Sadly JA's wonderful commentary and quick wit made it tons of fun.

    that being said this is a great place to visit. I wish there was a better format for more social interaction but thats a minor problem. As always thanks Bruce for giving me another forum to post my clips, your an enabler!


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