
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Super Boots

The best (and most surprising) thing about the new show Supergirl is that they appear to be keeping her in these red, high-scalloped OTK's. The pilot aired a few night ago and it suffers from the lets-keep-things-dark mentality that mars most modern action shows (yes, I'm looking at you Arrow).  I understand the wire-work CGI action is made easier with a pitch black background, but why does the secret base have to be so underlit?

Anyway, decent beginning of  show that holds promise. Unless they decide that her secret identity is more interesting than her super one.
A sweet pair of boots and some good fight scenes highlight Supergirl (s01e01). Could somebody turn on some lights around here?


  1. Yes, the pilot epi looks promising but don't forget what had happened to the Wonder Woman remake....That had a lot of promise, if anyone has seen the pilot episode of it & she had an mean streak going on there as well......

  2. I dont think they compare, for one the remake back in what 2011 I think or maybe 2010 didnt really want to emphasize her costume form the comics and instead wanted it to be different plus it was only a pilot so we dont know for sure where it would have gone. The positive is that she did come back on Agents of SHIELD wearing a much sexier outfit anyway.

  3. Just watched the pilot last night. I liked that she actually used her boots to kick the bad guy in one scene - her boots are for use, not just for show. Hope they keep that up.


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