
Monday, November 23, 2015


If you've been searching youtube for boots for a couple of years, you surely remember June Marie Liddy.   Her channel disappeared about 18 months ago, but she routinely uploaded videos of her sampling her deep closet of boots (& catsuits & bathing suits & I Dream of Jeannie costumes) all while urging her friends to eat right and get regular exercise.

It was a sad day when her channel went away and a happy one when it returned.  June's a unique lady.  She seems quite genuine in her passion for healthy living and is more than happy to show off her boots.  The world is a better place now that she's returned.

Here's a link a playlist she created-


  1. thanks for the compliments and have a sweet sweet day love June Marie

    1. You can't imagine the quiet joy I get simply because you know who I am.

    2. June, you are a boot goddess!!!!!


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