
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Forget about that Rogers guy, check out the back-up singer

It's always a good day when my inbox is graced by a note from tireless Tamaro Benz of the indispensable NewsWomen Blog. This time he alerted me to a music clip by The First Edition, which featured some bearded guy (who roasts a tasty chicken) and more importantly singer Mary Arnold in a deeply fab pair of white 70's style OTK's.  There's a nice long view at around the :50 mark.  These look like a superior version of the style.  The overwhelming majority of white OTK's of the period appear cheap and .....vinyl-y.  This pair looks like a fine and expensive pair of leather boots.

1 comment:

  1. You declined to mention Mary Arnold's 3rd contribution to the First Edition. Besides wearing killer Boots and helping out on vocals, she plays a mean tambourine. And I found another You Tube Clip that has MORE and BETTER BOOT VIEWS of Miss Arnold in White OTKs!!


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