
Thursday, December 17, 2015

What Up?

Maintaining a proper life balance is the single most important factor in the long term viability of this blog.  I've got a lot of stuff going on right now (much of which I'm enjoying quite a lot). I'm going to be taking a couple of days break and I had hoped to get a bunch of stuff uploaded before then. Not going to happen I'm afraid.
If this was July, I wouldn't be spending so much time capping new stuff and could just present stuff from the archive. I much prefer the current cavalcade of boots. I was looking back at last winter's posts. At one point I complained that I saw more and better boots in my local supermarket than on my TV screen.
Man, things can change in a year.  I got a lot of stuff in the queue. BUT my priorities have to be- my real life first, acquiring new material second, sharing comes in third. I'll have all summer to upload this stuff. See you Monday.  


  1. Not a bad problem to have: too many boots!!!

    But I'm with you ... keep up the good work and have a good weekend!

  2. Take a break!
    We'll be here when you get back.


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