
Monday, January 11, 2016

A Thought

I've got a flood uploading that I'll be posting throughout the day.  But while I wait I wanted to share this realization I've had.  Ages ago I wrote that a blog is a direct extension of its author's personality.  So this blog must be moody, temperamental, unpredictable and prone to periods of high activity followed by periods of neglect(at least in the short term).  If I was somebody else, I might space out my uploads better. I might actually plan things instead of just doing what I feel like that day.  I might focus a little better and try to avoid distractions.

I might do those things, but I won't. 


  1. My 2 cents: do as you please and try to please only you. The rest of us will like this and love that and not like this, etc., but that doesn't matter!

    Also, FWIW: "Chuck" is/was great (from a boots standpoint at the very least)! I wonder what happened to Yvonne Strahovsky (sp?) ... I guess I could look that up.

    1. Yvonne's been keeping busy, it seems like she's in a place where she can do whatever she wants. Being able to say "no" must be a huge luxury for an actress.


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