
Monday, January 11, 2016

Chuck Flood Part 12
From Chuck s05e12(note the proper use of actual boots for stunt work).
For the reader, this is the beginning of a Chuck Flood (as the blogger this is the end of it). Chuck aired on NBC from 2007-2012. The first three seasons were pretty frustrating. The last two were golden. Here's a bunch of clips,  mostly from season 4.  You might have seen other edits of these. Noel did a good job of covering this back in the day, but here are my versions a mere 5 years after I made them.  I've already posted some others  and I have a few episodes I STILL haven't trimmed.  But here's what I've got. It felt good to break the posting log-jam in my head.  I don't care how efficient I become at capping and editing, it will always be easier just upload a bunch of old clips gathering digital dust on a hard-drive.

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