
Friday, January 22, 2016

The Wrong Way/The Right Way
In a more civilized era, The Real would probably be one of the worst shows on TV.  Today, I fear it doesn't break the bottom 20.  Anyway, on yesterday's show they did a brief segment on boots. Like the show it appeared on, this segment was loud, flashy and completely uninformative. And showed peep-toe thighboots.  This is the wrong way to do it.

About a week earlier, the magnificent Natalie Morales did a similar segment on The Today Show. Thanks to the irreplaceable Jacob Itto, we see it below(the boot segment starts at about 3:25)-

While both segments make the grave, but common mistake of calling ankle shoes "boots" the Today Show segment is informative, watchable and the hostess had the excellent taste and judgment to call attention to her own magnificent thigh boots.

In fairness to The Real, decent boots are not unheard of on the show.   Since they buck the current trend of doing the entire show behind a desk/table, we get some decent couch and standing views. Views which I've captured and will upload.......wait for it......someday.

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