
Friday, February 5, 2016

A Billion Apologies
After highlighting the wonderful booted femdom scene in the pilot episode of Billions, I was deeply critical of the second episode for appearing to abandon that story line.  Clearly I was premature. That fun-loving couple is back in episode 3. The boots themselves get little screen time, but I am deeply impressed by this scene. It is a topic of some interest to me, and I've never seen it presented quite this well. A successful, "normal" appearing couple play bedroom games that both enjoy, but both are clearly aware it's a game. I let this clip run far longer than the boots require. I still trimmed out a fair amount of dialog, but I left enough to give a taste.

Two random thoughts, the key-frames on this were a little loose, so I was forced to include a few seconds of extraneous scenes. AND Billions doesn't' seem completely horrible. It feels like Aaron Sorkin lite and while it's probably as realistic a look at high finance as Blood & Oil is about oil drilling, it might be watchable.....if I had time to start actually watching another show.

1 comment:

  1. Great scene, just wish there were better shots of her boots! Some more kinky action with her boots would have been nice too!!


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