
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Rihanna- 2008 AMA's
For a performance from 2008, this looks......ok. Flashing lights and smoke wreaks havoc with most video compression.

Today's performance clips are all from several years ago and had been lurking on my hard-drive in HUGE uncompressed .ts files that I downloaded from specialized HD forums 7 or 8 years ago. I ran them through handbrake to get a manageable file size from a modern codec. I did a side by side and the vast majority of visible artifacts existed on the source material. I feel these are decent considering they aired a long time ago.
I then began a descent into a rabbit hole trying to figure out how these compared to versions on youtube. That is mind-fu@k time-suck just waiting to happen.
So, this is what I've uploaded for today. There MIGHT be superior versions on youtube. If you really care, search away.

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