
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Why Now?

You may be saying to yourself, "Welcome back, but why did you choose to come back at this moment." Or you may not be the least bit interested, but I needed a lead-in to this post.

Since the very beginning of this blog, I have been encouraging readers to do a daily search of The Daily Mail's website for "thigh high boots." If you've been doing this, you've seen the tsunami approach. I've been obsessed with boots for almost 50 years and I've NEVER seen a spring/summer quite like this. Barring some sort of epic collapse we're probably headed into an magnificent  fall/winter. This was the final push-

Brand experts urge new PM Theresa May to DITCH her penchant for thigh-high boots and racy dresses

The new Prime Minster of England has a known penchant for thigh-high boots! Well, to be honest, her boots tend to be merely OTK's, but.......I just had to be part of this. I couldn't quietly observe what maybe a  record-breaking season.  That, and it seems like the "real" world is going to complete shit and I needed something to distract me from the encroaching madness.

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